Bridget's Banter

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mom, What Can I be???

C: Mom, what can I be??
M: You can be anything you want!
C: Can I be a worker truck driver?
M: Sure.
C: Can I be a fireman?
M: Sure.
C: Can I be a farmer?
M: Sure. can be anything you want when you get older.
C: Really? What else could I be when I get bigger?
M: You could be a daddy.
C: What are you?
M: I am a mommy. Am I good at being a mommy?
C: You are the best mommy!!

What better compliment can a mom get than that?? It makes all the hard parts of motherhood worth it when your child says you are the best!

On the way to the Veteran's Home today, Chase and I started talking. Boy, this is why I love a car without a DVD player. When we got our truck, I specifically said that I didn't want a built-in DVD player. The salesman couldn't believe his ears - this is an option that most people would die for he says. Not me....I don't want to give up this precious time with my children. Having 3 kids 3 and under, I don't often get the chance to just talk with them. Carrides give us that. They are confined in their carseats and we have nothing else to do but talk. I wouldn't give this up for the world, or for a DVD player!!!


Blogger Rollie said...

hey you welcome to the world of bloggin!!
You will enjoy having journaling ready for you to scrapbook with !

4:10 PM  
Blogger Heidi said...

Lookityou! A Bridget Blog! Love this, and will be bookmarking accordingly. Can't wait for more write-ups and more pics!

8:06 PM  
Blogger Barbara Eads said...

Hey Bridget,
Just had a chance to check out your Blog! Loved it---and you who think journaling on your pages is so hard---add this to a page with a picture of the kids all strapped in their car seats---DONE!!

I'm glad you started your Blog. I started mine last September and have never gotten back to it. I really need to do that!!!
Aunt Barb

6:40 AM  

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